Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What to say?

This is my last week as the pastor of Dublin Bible Church. After 6 1/2 years of learning how to serve, the day has all-so-quickly approached. We believe firmly that it is time to accept the next assignment.

There are so many things that I wish I could have to do over again. Too many mistakes, too many careless words, too many selfish decisions. But ... that's why they call it "learning." We have learned so much in our time here - about ourselves, about ministry, about the Body of Christ. You have patiently endured that learning process, and we are forever grateful for that.

We have also seen amazing things happen - people come to faith in Christ, fruitful ministry here and in far-away Kenya, deepened relationships, and maturing faith. When we reflect back, the list is surprisingly long. And we are forever grateful for this, too.

Despite the heartbreak of goodbyes and the anxiety of facing unknown challenges (and the aggravation of moving!), we have a firm peace in the midst of all this. It's a deep sense that we are following the Lord's guidance, which steadies us against all the winds blowing about us. It is what allows us to make the tough decisions to say our goodbyes, to endure the financial setbacks, and to face the unknown with results beyond our control.

We pray that we will be able to see the folks of DBC again in the near future. We know we'll still be just a call or email or text message away, and we also know what we will one day be reunited forever. But we still pray for the chance to see your faces again soon.

After our farewell luncheon on Sunday, we will still see you here and there before we physically move (date to be determined). So, we'll likely say goodbye a few dozen times more. They don't get any easier for us, no matter how many times they are repeated.

We love you very much.