Monday, February 25, 2008

Preparing Your Heart for Worship

I love to see the people of our congregation enjoying each other's company before the worship service each Sunday. You catch up with one another, enjoy one another, and on occasion, you use that time to pray for one another. All of that is good to see. We need these times of connection and fellowship.

I would like to suggest to you that every once in a while, you try something different. Before the service, take a seat in the sanctuary, ignore all the conversations going on, and prepare your heart for worship. Spend the time praying for the service itself, for your own heart, for the hearts of others. Read the passage that we'll be covering in the sermon. Confess ways in your life that may hinder your ability to worship God with a whole and pure heart. Pray for your pastor! Pray for all the ministries going on that morning - Children's Church, the worship team, the nursery.

We don't really have enough space right now to have a separate chapel or prayer room (although, the classroom off of the back of the sanctuary is often available before the service), so we just have to tune out all the conversations going on. What you'll find is that it's not really that hard to block out the din - especially if you take a seat on the first or second row, away from most of the conversations.

Feel free to talk before the service - I certainly don't want to take that away. It's valuable time for me, too. But, on occasion, take time to talk with God before the service, too. He wants to be a part of that pre-church dialog just like we do.

A quick related note for those who have a tough time showing up on time: Please realize that arriving late can be distracting to those engaged in worship. I'd rather you showed up late than not at all, but I want to encourage you to be diligent to show up before the worship service begins, so that we can all focus better. (Of course, showing up for Sunday School means that you'll be there in plenty of time for the worship service! :-) ).

P.S. Please consider sponsoring me to raise money for Jerry's Kids by bailing me out of "jail". Just click here.

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