Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Indy 500

The number "500" represents the total number of minutes I slept the whole week of the youth mission trip with World Changers to Indianapolis.

If you missed our last Sunday School class, the youth did an excellent job of telling stories and answering questions about our mission trip. God was clearly at work in and through our youth, and it was my distinct privilege to be a part of their mission. What I appreciated most was getting to know our students at a deeper level than I've known them so far. God has created some great qualities in our youth.

My job was primarily as a driver. Get the youth there and back again safely. Betty Ann is the one who did the lion's share of the work. She has been working on this trip for the entire year with all the coordinating, all the training of our youth, all the leadership of fundraising, and even being a group leader while we were in Indianapolis. I'm sure even I am underestimating how many hours, how much lost sleep, and how much effort Betty Ann put into this trip. She was an absolute champ, and the fantastic trip that our youth had is in large part a result of her work and ministry for the Lord.

I've received a number of kind comments for my part in the trip, but she deserves ten times the accolades because she did at least ten times the work. Please make a point to share with Betty Ann your appreciation for her ministry. (I happen to know she likes coffee houses and anything chocolate, just so you know...)

To the youth, thanks for sharing your week with your old pastor. More importantly, thanks for sharing your lives with me.

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