Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kenya Prayers

From September 14 though 26, I will be traveling to and from Ahero, Kenya, in order to teach at the Ahero Evangelical School of Theology (AEST). As we learned from Justin and Sarah Bothwell, the atmosphere has changed in Kenya, which means there are very specific prayer requests that I have for you to lift up to the Lord on behalf of the ministry there and me.

  • The safety of the workers there. The pastors and school teachers live with the constant tension and possibility of a flare up of the ethnic strife. With the growing inflation, crime has been on the rise and people become more desperate.
  • My safety. There are many legs to this trip, some of which are not the safest. Furthermore, as a white Westerner, some will assume that I'm carrying some amount of cash on me.
  • Effective ministry. I'll be teaching in a few different venues, so pray that the Word will go out. It's difficult to keep the point clear through cultural and linguistic differences, so we need the Holy Spirit to convey the Truth despite the hurdles.
  • Ministry to the workers. Pray that the Lord will use me to encourage and comfort the pastors, teachers, and students, which is more important than the topics I will teach.
  • Lynne's peace. Pray that the Lord will comfort her so that she will not be anxious.
  • As the Lord leads. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer, and then pray for the things that He brings to mind. If He is bringing something to your mind, then it's more important to pray for than anything on this list.
I look forward to returning and sharing with you what the Lord has done. Paul tells the believers at Corinth that He believes that God is the one who brings victory in ministry, but that the prayers of the saints are also clearly a part of that success. Paul believed that having people pray for him and his ministry would change things - and I believe the same thing. I truly believe that your prayers will make a difference in Kenya.

I'm also anxious to share with you after I return about a "matching funds" program for the seminary. For a twelve month period, we have a donor who is willing to match dollar-for-dollar donations to AEST, up to $400 per month. When I get back, I'll tell you more about it.

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