Thursday, June 25, 2009


Thanks, thanks, thanks to Debbi for putting together another great VBS. Even though I'm writing this before it's all over, what I've seen so far is wonderful.

Thanks to everyone who helped out, too, but I really want to highlight her contribution. Debbi carries a huge load every year for VBS, not only doing what the director should do, but also doing all the things that she can't find volunteers for. It's a stressful responsibility, and she always handles it with excellence.

This is one of DBC's great opportunities to minister to our kids, to reach out to the community, and to make sure the Gospel is clearly presented. It's more than fun and games - it's being missional.

Please remember to pray for Debbi, for the kids who heard the Gospel, and for DBC to increase it's impact on our community.

For us to be more and more the church God wants us to be, it will take more of us to give of ourselves, just as Debbi and her crew gave of themselves for our VBS kids.

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