The reasons for the move are many - too numerous to mention here. There are, however, some reasons that stand out.
First, we have not lived near our parents for 21 years, and we now have a terrific opportunity to do so now. Both sets of parents are doing well, but we are seeing the need for us to be able to assist them more readily. By God's timing, both sets of parents have independently decided to move closer to the Kansas City area this year.
Second, we have had a long-time desire to return to the Evangelical Free Church of America. It is the denomination I first served in, and provides a great balance between the flexibility of local decision-making and the synergistic benefit of networking with like-minded churches. I still have many connections in the EFCA, and personally benefit from the resources they make available.
Third, we believe that the long-term health of Dublin Bible Church would be best served by a different pastor. We have no question at all that God brought us here and that He has done some great things in us and through us. We have no regrets moving here or doubts that we were supposed to be here for this time. But we see that my particular style of teaching and leadership is effective for some, but not as effective for others within our community. That limits the impact of DBC. We believe DBC can have deeper impact with a pastor who possesses a different mix of gifts. We believe that it's the best thing for DBC for me to step down at this time.
Fourth, I may have the possibility of sitting under the mentorship of a very godly man and experienced pastor with this move. I believe this will be very helpful in my personal, spiritual, and ministerial growth.
The elders of DBC have been fantastic during this decision-making process. We included them in our process when we began to seriously consider this new opportunity, and they have simultaneously shown us personal support and advocated for the best interests of DBC. We admire the way they have served both you and us.
There will be an opportunity for us to say goodbye properly and personally. When that is arranged, we will let everyone know.
We ask that you pray fervently both for DBC's transition and for our transition. Your church is going to need everyone pulling together in order to discern who the Lord will bring to take you into your next chapter.
We are not, however, severing our relationships with you. Communication today is so easy and affordable that we anticipate being able to be in regular contact with you. Of course, we would never use that privilege to undermine the relationships that you will be building with your new pastor.
Our plan is to remain on staff until April 11, and we anticipate moving sometime in May or June. We also plan on shedding many tears between now and then.
We love you, and we continue praying what we've been praying for years on DBC's behalf - that God would bring about His best for this church family. We firmly believe that He can do so through this time of transition.
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