Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pray for the Olympics

The 2008 Summer Olympics start on August 8, and for just over two weeks, the world's attention will be on China, this year's host. And that is a call for prayer!

It is no secret that the Chinese government has been using it's tremendous power to create a much better impression of their society than reality warrants. Never a government for respecting individual rights, they have been particularly overbearing in the months leading up to the opening ceremony. From restricting traffic to help ease the thick pollution problem to navigating the Olympic Torch Relay to avoid as many protests as possible to clamping down on Tibetan protesters, they have tried to manage every aspect of life to give the appearance that all is well in China.

Worse than the social facade they are creating, their well-documented escalation of persecuting Christians is a losing effort to give the conflicting impressions that China is both tolerant of all religions and that there are very few Christians in China. Both statements are false, and the government has taken on the futile task of trying to make us believe both are true. The more evangelistic Chinese pastors have been harassed and arrested like never before. Literature distribution around Olympic venues is strictly forbidden. Evangelism will most likely be met with swift rebukes.

So ... pray! It is precisely in times like this that people discover the Gospel cannot be stopped. Pray as the Lord would direct your heart. Consider the following prayer needs every day of the Olympics:
  • The persecution of Christians in China.
  • The Chinese believers who are committed to sharing the Gospel with as many Olympic visitors as possible.
  • Missionaries and other foreign workers who are gathering in China to share the Gospel.
  • Believing athletes to keep their testimony and to use their unique access as another avenue of sharing the Gospel.
  • For the oppression of the government to be broken by God's power.
  • For the church in China (the largest in the world, by the way!) to prosper and flourish no matter what the government does.
The Olympics are games. Persecution is no game. The Gospel is no game. We can be the strongest competitors of the Olympics if we commit to pray. I invite you to remind each other to pray during those two weeks. Every time you hear the Olympic theme, see the 5 Ring emblem, see a medal count, or see an event, be reminded to pray. Be more enthusiastic about the Church winning than the U.S. winning.

P.S. You can order a free "Pray for China" wristband from Voice of the Martyrs at: .

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