Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day!

As much as I love Christmas, I love Easter all the more. Having grown up to adulthood outside of Christ, I have vivid memories of what it is like to be lost, to not have Jesus' resurrection as my own, to have Easter simply be a day of tradition but not meaning. For me, Easter is not only the celebration of Jesus defeating death, but the celebration of Jesus defeating my death - celebrating the moment my heart was opened.

We must teach our children what Easter means. Most of them know that it's not about candy and eggs. Most of them know that it has to do with the resurrection of Christ. But they must know what the resurrection of Christ really means. Not just the theology of it (what it means for mankind), but what it means to us personally. Do your children know what special meaning Easter has for you, how the eternal truth of Easter has impacted you?

We will teach the meaning of Easter at church Friday night and Sunday morning, but we cannot teach your children what specific meaning it has for you. Take time this weekend to tell you children the personal impact the resurrection of Christ has had. Even if they've heard it before, tell them again. Pass on to them what Easter is all about, make sure they know, make sure they can carry on the meaning of Easter to their families one day. Let them see how Christ affects you.

Please join us for all the events this Easter weekend:
  • Tenebrae service, Friday, 7-8PM. A somber, reflective service to dwell on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf.
  • "The Passion" (after the Tenebrae service). Mel Gibson's movie about the last week of Jesus' life.
  • Semi-annual workday, Saturday, 9AM-12PM. Put in an hour or two to share in the responsibility of maintaining our church property. (Not really an Easter event, but it is a family event where we can invest in the church Jesus created by tending to the place we gather as the church.)
  • Easter Breakfast, Sunday, 9:30AM. Our annual event for the men to cook breakfast for the entire church family. Men - if you didn't sign up for what you want to make yet, please email me or call me.
  • Easter service, Sunday, 10:30AM. Celebrate the resurrection with us - the one event that gives us our assurance for eternal life.

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