Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Locked In !!!

Perhaps you didn't hear the news that the Youth Group had a lock-in last Sunday night. Whenever there is a Monday holiday from school, Betty Ann likes to have some event for the youth, whether it's a lock-in or a games night or something else that can go later than the normal Sunday night youth fellowship. For Columbus Day, it was a lock-in. Many, many thanks to Betty Ann for all the hard work in planning the events, and to Debbi Bryarly for feeding the whole crew throughout the night. And thanks to Wal-Mart for not kicking us out during the scavenger hunt (they were very gracious!).

One of the events was called "Stump the Geezer" - a forum for the youth to pose to me difficult questions about the Bible or about theology. I guess I'm the geezer. The first part was like the game "Balderdash", where teams of students were trying to come up with their own answers to the tough questions. I must say that all the teams had very good answers. All the leaders were very pleased with our students' ability to ponder a question and draw upon Biblical knowledge and even logic to formulate a response.

The second part of the activity was a bit unplanned, but also very rich. The game turned into a wide open forum of questions. Our students have a healthy concern for some of the most intriguing questions about the Bible. At times, I felt like Jackie Chan with 8 ninjas coming at me from every direction!

And, yes, they did stump the geezer. Someone asked about the curse of the serpent in Genesis 3 and his "offspring." Who are these offspring? I had absolutely zero recollection of any teaching on that interesting question. Perhaps I could blame that on the late hour? (Later, I read that scholars also find the reference puzzling, but see that it most likely refers to the same concept found in John 8:44, that those who do the deeds of the devil have the devil as their "father.")

Please convey your gratitude to Betty Ann for the sacrifice she makes for our youth. Please pray for her and for all our youth. Please pray about offering your help to Betty Ann for various needs within the Youth Group.

Of course, every time I try to stay up all night with the youth, I do in fact feel more and more like a geezer. Perhaps the game is well-named after all.

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