Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Soggy Privilege

It was my distinct privilege to baptize Alex, Taylor, Brandon, and Trinity last Sunday night. Since we cannot see the change that happens in someone's heart when he or she becomes a new creature in Christ, Jesus has given us baptism to picture the miracle of being born from above. Plus, to see a young person publicly declare his or her faith in the Lord Jesus is an important step in and of itself - it brings me great joy to see them tell both the church and the world that they belong to Jesus.

Thanks to Betty Ann for all of the counsel, instruction, and prayer that she invested into these young people. I saw God work in these young people through her. There are many of you within the church who also had a part in the lives of one or more of their lives, too, and I thank you for it.

This Sunday, I also have the privilege of baptizing one of our godchildren in California. She is a special little girl named Chayila, daughter of our close friends Aaron and Amanda. Please remember to pray for Chayila as she grows in her new faith. (Her name comes from the Hebrew word in Proverbs 31:10 meaning "noble character.")

It took me a few years after believing in Christ to realize I should be baptized, even though I had been baptized as a youth (not because I believed, but because it was "time"). I encourage every believer in Christ that if you have not yet been baptized that you commit the matter to prayer. I take following the Lord's instruction on baptism to be a matter of gratitude and obedience, but I would never baptize someone who wasn't doing so of their own free will.

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