Monday, August 24, 2009

Question of the Day, 8/24/09

(The following is just an experiment - don't know if I want to commit to doing this, but I'm toying with the idea.)

First, open the following link in a new window to get to 1 John 4.

Second, look at verse 14.

Third, click play on the following video to get the question of the day.


Unknown said...

Is the context fear of future judgement (punishment)? It says "fear has to do with punishment". The Christian has no fear of future punishment because of Christ's suffered and paid the price (death) for his/her sins.

Unknown said...

If I am afraid to walk next door to tell my fellow teacher about the awsome love of God, what kind of fear is this? Whose punishment do I fear? I am afraid of (the liar), satan's punishment, not God's. I am afraid my fellow teacher will not like me anymore or will think I lack intelligence to believe the things I believe. I have been deceived. So now my fellow teacher still likes me, but is going to hell.