Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What about those who have never heard?

A perennial question, and one that can be a barrier for some to completely embrace Christ. If salvation is through Christ alone, what about those who live in a place and a time where they can't hear about Christ? Are they to be eternally judged because they don't embrace Him, even though there's no news of Him where they are?

This is an enormous question, and we can't answer it all in one blog, obviously. But I'd like to take a few blogs to explore the question.

The first is to consider the following truth: God never reveals too little for us to be able to accomplish His will for us. In other words, God does not expect us to respond to revelation that He has not given us.

Romans 1:18-23 says that God's invisible attributes are made evident through everyone through Creation. Acts 14:17 says that God did not leave any people group without a witness based on His acts of provision. So, God does give a responsible amount of revelation to everyone, and in both of these passages in context, He holds people accountable for how they respond to the amount of revelation they have received.

This does not fully answer this amazing question, but it does lay down one very important principle that we must remember: God never reveals too little for us to be able to respond to Him in a way that He expects.

1 comment:

Ben's Blog said...

And what a sad principle it is! To be able to recognize that there is a God, but not to know that He has fulfilled that revelation in a relationship, is tragic.

It should break our hearts to know that God expects an appropriate response from those to whom He has revealed Himself!