Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What about those who have never heard, part 2

Last week, we began discussing the question about those who have never heard the Gospel - do they have any chance to be saved? There were some really good comments and ideas, both on the blog ( and the mirror blog on Facebook.

Those discussions mentioned that God is in charge of who is born where and when, that no one (not even Old Testament saints) will be with Christ forever except for His atoning blood, and the fact that God has not left any people group without a witness. God clearly holds people accountable for the amount of revelation that He gives them, but does not hold them accountable for revelation He has not yet given them.

These are all valid points, but don't definitively answer the question. I'm not sure any argument can answer the question once and for all.

However, if God does not hold people accountable for more revelation than He gives them, why then is it so imperative that we bring the Gospel to those who have not heard? Aren't we just making them more accountable for more revelation?

What do you think?

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