Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What are those new cards for again???

For the last few weeks, we've been telling you about the new "Elder Visitation cards," and now would be a good time to better explain them.

The idea came out of the Elder retreat in January. We've been talking about how the Elders can lead the effort for us to become more "missional" and how they can deepen their relationships with the people of our church family. These cards are a way to accomplish both goals at the same time.

The purpose of the card is simple. If there is someone you know (a friend, a relative, a neighbor) who would benefit from having an Elder meet with them, simply note their name on a card and hand it to an elder. Then an Elder and his wife or two Elders together will find a time to meet with this person and see how they can minister to them.

For example, perhaps you know someone who is ill or sad and needs someone to come and pray with them. Perhaps you know someone who has questions about the Christian faith. Or perhaps you know someone who needs to hear the Gospel.

The offer also extends to you. If you would like an Elder or two to minister to you, you can use the same card for that purpose.

The Elders don't have all the answers, but they are willing for the Lord to make them more missional and to step out in ministry to personal acquaintances of our church family. I'm very excited about the kinds of things God can do through this. All we need to do is to be willing put ourselves in situations where God can really use us, and He will do amazing things.

Ideally, the Elders would love to have you come along on one of these visits. That would make your friend more comfortable, and God could also then be using you as He ministers to your friend. The Elders look forward to being able to share this ministry with you and to help you grow in ministry, too.

The potential is enormous, if we would just unleash it! This is how Jesus did so much of His ministry - not by teaching the crowds, but by ministering directly to individuals. All it takes is for you to submit the names of those you know who can benefit from our Elders.

I don't know of many churches where the Elders are so willing to do this. To me, this would be more important than anything else the Elders presently do. I also believe that this can build the kind of church growth we all want - not by reshuffling who attends which church, but seeing those who don't presently attend church regularly be affected directly by the Gospel and by the love of Christ.

Please let your friend or relative know that the Elders are interested in serving in ministry, not waltzing in as authority figures. They don't come as judges and disciplinarians - they come with a towel wrapped around their wastes ready to serve in the name of Christ.

There is a stack of these cards on the back table.

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